Download Forge Mac 1.12

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    • By JimiIT92 · Posted

      I am attempting to create a mod that adds the new 1.17 Bundles. To do this I listen to the mouse click event on an Inventory slot. Now, inside the Player container everything works fine, if I am in creative mode. However if I use the Bundle when another container is open (for example a Chest), or if the player is just in survival mode, whatever changes I made to the inventory won't be reflected as soon as I close the container or update it somehow. For example, I have this survival inventory I then take the Bundle (the item near the crafting table) and click on the stack of 40 stone. When I click, only 32 items of the stack will go inside the bundle. The other items will remain inside the Inventory As you can see everything is right, but as soon as I click the Bundle again, I got this situation (if I close and open again the Inventory I still see the stone stack been shrinked to This is the method I use to add the Items to the Bundle public static void addItemStackToBundle(ItemStack bundle, ItemStack stack, PlayerEntity player, Container container) { if(!isBundle(bundle) || isFull(bundle) || isBundle(stack)) { return; } ItemStack stackToAdd = stack.copy(); int maxItemsToAdd = bundle.getMaxDamage() - getBundleItemsCount(bundle); stackToAdd.setCount(Math.min(getMaxStackSizeForBundleToInsert(stackToAdd), maxItemsToAdd)); CompoundNBT bundleTag = bundle.getOrCreateTag(); ListNBT items = bundleTag.getList(BundleResources.BUNDLE_ITEMS_LIST_NBT_RESOURCE_LOCATION, Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND); CompoundNBT itemStackNbt = new CompoundNBT(); ItemStack stackFromBundle = getItemStackFor(bundle, stackToAdd.getItem()); int index = getItemStackIndex(bundle, stackFromBundle); if(!stackFromBundle.isEmpty()) { stackToAdd.setCount(Math.min(stackToAdd.getCount(), getMaxStackSizeForBundle(stack) - stackFromBundle.getCount())); } if(index != -1) { stackFromBundle.setCount(stackFromBundle.getCount() + stackToAdd.getCount()); stackFromBundle.write(itemStackNbt); items.remove(index); items.add(index, itemStackNbt); } else { stackToAdd.write(itemStackNbt); items.add(itemStackNbt); } bundleTag.put(BundleResources.BUNDLE_ITEMS_LIST_NBT_RESOURCE_LOCATION, items); bundle.setTag(bundleTag); stack.setCount(stack.getCount() - stackToAdd.getCount()); bundle.setDamage(bundle.getMaxDamage() - getBundleItemsCount(bundle)); container.detectAndSendChanges(); player.playSound(SoundEvents.ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_LEATHER, 1.0F, 1.0F);} I pass in the Container object for the slot that has been clicked and in the end call the detectAndSendChanges method, which should sync the inventory content between client and server (as the Click event is only fired client side, all I do here won't be visible to the server until I sync). Do I need to send a custom packet to the server to sync the inventory?
    • By JimiIT92 · Posted

      Well, in the end I figured out I didn't even need a listener. All I need was to catch the ClickEvent 😅
    • By DavidQF555 · Posted

      I need to build a skill tree like gui, so I looked at the advancements, and realized that I might as well make it look the same because it has basically all the required functionality that I need. I want to use a different screen though because I feel no one really looks at the advancements screen and most the advancements are really useless. So I was just going to create advancements and add them to a custom AdvancementScreen. I'm pretty sure I just need to pass in a different ClientAdvancementManager with a different read() method into the Screen to make it work, but I'm confused how to specify which advancements to read. It seems that all the AdvancementManagers all just use the parameters in their read/apply methods, so where are these parameters passed in the first place? I just want to have a completely different AdvancementScreen with different tabs and also remove my custom Advancements from the vanilla one. I'm pretty sure the handling of completing advancements also requires the advancements to be registered/loaded, so I could not just not add my custom advancements' JSONs in the correct directory. I need to know where the read/apply methods get their parameters, which are just JSON elements, so that I could hopefully change them to only display the ones that I want.
    • By DescendingAngel · Posted

      Hello. I've been working on this for a couple of days now and nothing is helping. Here's a recap of my process so far: 1. Java Uninstaller. Uninstalled all versions of Java with the uninstaller on the site to be sure they were gone. 2. Reinstalled Java. No dice. The cursor changing for a moment is all the response I get. 3. Jarfix. No dice. Same as 2. 3. Java JDK. No dice. Same as 2. Now, to be clear here, the file associate IS CORRECT. I've checked this in the Default Apps section of my settings and the icon for the Forge installer IS a Java icon. Association does not seem to be the issue. I've been looking around the forums here for help for the last 3 and a half hours and managed to find that some people have tried starting the thing in cmd. When I did that, I got this error: 'no main manifest attribute, in forge-1.15.2-31.2.0-universal.jar' . If you are not a coder - like me, soooo not a coder here! - don't Google that. It will break your brain if you try to read some of the more technical posts on that... you've been warned. Anyway. I have no idea where to go from here. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! ♥ EDIT to add: I should say that I used the Jarfix ini file to try to use both of the Java versions I have - from the JDK and the JRE. I did this AGAIN after I found out about the cmd trick and got the same answer with both files attempting to run the jar. Just realized I've been using the wrong version this entire time, my apologies. I am so, so sorry, I could have sworn I deleted the thing. >,< The regular installer still won't run normally, but I got it to open with the cmd prompt.
    • By Cyborgmas · Posted

      Could you remove Dynmap ? If the crash happens again give the logs and crashreport again.
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Download Forge Mac 1.12

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Sep 07, 2018.

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